Saturday, July 28, 2012

First kill

Clint let our dog Jake out to pee quickly last weekend as it was about to storm before bed. I was in the living room and heard him yelling for Jake. I figured Jake had gotten away and was off on one of his adventures in the woods around our house. I went out back to see what was happening and saw Jake at the edge of the tall grass, then I heard some howling sounds... then I smelled it... skunk!! Jake came running towards Clint as proud as can be with the skunk in his mouth! Needless to say, Jake smelled, we smelled, the house smelled... oh boy did it smell! Jake got several baths, this one in about three cans of spaghetti sauce. We also used Dawn Dishsoap, that seemed to work the best. A week later he still has a small odor, but I bet he is still dreaming of his first kill!

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